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名無し 09/04/2023 (Mon) 08:46:21 No. 455 [Reply]
Has an anime or manga ever made you cry?
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Prima Doll, Sakurasou, Onimonogatari, and Beyond the Boundary all made me cry. Lotte no Omocha and No Game No Life didn't quite make me cry, but they made feel...depressed, in a weird roundabout way, like they were too happy, which ended up making me feel sad. Except No Game No Life 0, that one was just normal sad.
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>>455 ping pong the animation
>>455 More times than I can count. I'm already an emotional person, and art, whether it conveys sadness or just beauty, moves me deeply.
>>455 >anime haibane renmei and now and then, here and there made me cry there's a bunch more manga since i read it a lot more than watching anime and i can't think of any off the top of my head

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post your favorite 2hu please 名無し 01/28/2024 (Sun) 10:44:09 No. 839 [Reply]
I like marisa
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i love marisa so much
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>>839 it's mokou but i only have images of my second, third, etc. favourites

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名無し 08/25/2023 (Fri) 14:40:15 No. 416 [Reply]
quintessential/iconic Japanese/otaku webcore images thread i want to save some new fun pictures...
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>>416 A classic.
>>1256 Sounds like my 8th grade health teacher
>>1256 Do you mean to have us beg for source?
>>1258 It's an edited text, but the girl behind is Tohno Akiha from Tsukihime (the original version, not the Remake).

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Does anyone miss 2000s otaku culture as well? Neidhardt 03/07/2024 (Thu) 20:44:34 No. 883 [Reply]
you know? moe magical girl anime, dakimakuras, akihabara fetishism, the "i hate 3D girls" kind of otaku ...kinda like takumi nishijou from chaos head
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>>1247 Based I wonder why exactly things went so askew with anime but back when normalfags were not invading it the ecosystem was much cleaner. What saddens me however is that normalfags are the fuel for the embrace extend extinguish model, and that they are also characterized by a strong lack of persistence. Since anime fell in their hands, it means it inevitably is going to become shittier and shittier with time, and at some point I think normalfags will move to something new. But after they do, anime won't be resurrected. Another scenario, anime will become the same thing as videogames. Either way, I see little hope ahead. In recent years, decent anime simply doesn't exist. Well it's possible to hunt down something watchable once in while, but it's nothing compared to 00s and the beginning of 10s.
>>1247 this is kind of unrelated but I don't think that image really makes sense for most imageboards, this is, communities that made their name raiding, creating lolcows and ridiculous stunts to troll the media (and become popular). it isn't hard to stay isolated now that most of the internet has been reduced to maybe 10 platforms >>1249 I have been consuming anime since the 00s but I never felt the need to talk about it or interact with the "community" at all so I don't care about that. however, I don't think the rise in popularity has produced any significant change in the content. the trends have changed, the tropes and cliches are better defined now and the animation styles have changed, but none of it seems to be related to the change in demographics one thing that surprised me when I looked into it was that normal people are discovering stuff like yuru yuri and loving it; I naively thought they would prefer "teen dramas" like chainsaw man and such, or romcoms. those genres are more popular, but I don't think the "ratio" so to speak has changed. there has been a decrease in moe shows, with almost not kirara magazine adaptations in the last 8 seasons. hopefully the rise in popularity will reverse this trend and I will have more moe anime to enjoy
>>1251 >but none of it seems to be related to the change in demographics why then exactly it looks like shit? it's been ages since i saw anything new that would put effort both in production and in plot. it's either well drawn bullshit or shittily drawn semi decent plot. fuck! i don't demand world tier suspension or whatever just make it look fucking coherent or whatever so i don't feel like watching slop
>>1252 the low animation quality comes from cost cutting, not popularity. if anything, cheap shows are made to promote the series' manga, novel and associated paraphernalia (the real money makers) to the "real" otaku rather than to the general public, and maybe wouldn't exist if animation was as expensive as it used to be as I see it, the genres that get good quality animation now are more or less the same that did so 15 years ago. for example, compare the animation of bakemonogatari to any other show from that season. compare the number of shows per season back then and now too one change that does bother me is that comedy shows are less frequent now, I don't think there has really been anything similar to szs or joshiraku lately, but even back then, the otaku were much more interested in school dromance (like bakemonogatari) so it probably has more to do with publishing houses and editors losing interest in the genre rather than a demographic switch. I imagine it is because it's harder to sell merchandise when the audience doesn't self-insert and isn't made to feel emotionally attached to the characters
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Huh, I saw this thread on 4/jp/, I guess I'll chime in my thoughts, In my opinion I think there's kinda no point in being an Otaku/Weeaboo in today's society. Not because it's shunned or anything like that, but because I think Japan's best days are behind them. Now this is coming from someone who got into the anime scene a little late so take what I say with a grain of salt, I do miss that 2000s era of otaku culture and 2010s mainly because thats where I got my start in posting on 4chan. Nowadays it doesn't feel like there's anything worth looking at anymore or special. NND is dead in the water, Akihabara is a shell of it's former self, Most animus out right now ok-ish but nothing really special comes to my mind. The only thing I can really enjoy is newest episodes of Kamen Rider. It might just be me but this feeling has been aching at me for the longest time.

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名無し 01/12/2025 (Sun) 20:56:24 No. 1230 [Reply]
have you seen boogiepop phantom, and what do you think of it? Also, what are your thoughts on denpa anime in general.
The original one was great vibes and quit eerie and mysterious. When they brought it back reboot an adaptation it lacked that great atmosphere and art style unfortunately even though it has more of actually properly telling the story.

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A pretty moving anime 3-Chan 12/30/2024 (Mon) 16:28:13 No. 1222 [Reply]
I would personally recommend to watch Your lie in April. It's a great anime in my opinion, even got me emotional sometimes
Your fortune: Bad Luck
Pancreas was bad enough.

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名無し 10/30/2024 (Wed) 22:08:01 No. 1092 [Reply]
watch Acro Trip
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i see. so it's basically like Gushing Over Magical Girls but wholesome instead of lewd. 面白い、ひかりんちゃま。見続けます。
>>1207 thats the most wonderful thing. thank you friend for giving this show a chance. kuroma is my favorite too. his actor poured his soul into him. >>1204 m-maybe... >>1203 the fact alone that some hikarins are aware of the show makes me happy
>>1207 oh that sounds pretty interesting :D
>>1207 >I see. so it's basically like Gushing Over Magical Girls but without any of the original appeal
>>1216 acro trip was created before gushing. and its just a comedy for all ages

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名無し 12/23/2023 (Sat) 13:53:21 No. 737 [Reply]
Have you watched Ergo Proxy? What do you think?
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>>737 one of my old favorites.. I love pino. \ >>739 there was pretty constant action. maybe you would like psychopass. completely different anime. but more action and faster pace, story isn't a mess. I forget what ergo was going for and what the creator said about it. I think it was an eva situation where there wasn't really a point to any of it and the symbolism was just cool. at the same time I'm not sure about that because ergo's symbolism I remember making sense to me when you look up all the names of the deities being referenced. I'd put it somewhere between a 7-8/10. I also recall that the ending got botched or somewhere in between was. I could be remembering a different anime from back then though.
I remember it being praised a lot a decade ago by my old otaku friends, but when I tried to watch it, I struggled to finish the first episode out of sheer boredom and never looked back. By no means do I find dialogue heavy anime to be boring (big fan of the monogatari series), but this one was worse than frieren.
Yes I have. It wasn't bad, but I didn't understand half of it and the ending wasn't very consistent with what happened before and failed to create enough tension to be satisfactory. It's a very atmospheric show, though, there are very few that could match it, so it is understandable it gets recommended.
>>1149 Follow up to this post, all my memories about Ergo Proxy are positive. There were some very queer (in the good sense) moments to it that I liked very much. It is really very unique.
>>742 >I think it was an eva situation where there wasn't really a point to any of it and the symbolism was just cool I remember reading an explanation after I finished watching it and it had a solid story with everything making sense and actually being straightforward if told chronologically. It was just told in a very complicated manner, explaining things in a roundabout way or not at all. Do you remember that episode (or was it 2 episodes?) somewhere in the middle of the series that felt like filler and seemed like it had no connection to the original timeline or even the whole plot itself, a game show or something like that. Yeah, there they explained some of the most crucial parts of the story. That's just an example. This is different from something like eva, where firstly the story itself is complicated, the characters' emotions have heavy impact on the plot, almost nothing is explicitly stated and only like 80% of the actual story is present in the anime. The rest you could only speculate, or some of it was revealed through other means (nge2, interviews). Ergo proxy just told a relatively straightforward story in a complicated manner, adding psychological elements and symbolism along the way. Not saying that's bad.

W00t 12/04/2024 (Wed) 04:01:00 No. 1194 [Reply]
Which wife would I pick?
Edited last time by admin on 12/04/2024 (Wed) 04:03:32.
>>1194 Would either of them pick you?
>>1199 Perhaps not, but that's why everyday we should strive to be better than the last.

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2hu visual novel 名無し 12/02/2024 (Mon) 01:30:47 No. 1189 [Reply]
Hey hikari3. /jp/ is trying to make a touhou visual novel, but they're having issues with coordination. Someone floated the idea of using an altchan, so I'm here to see if anyone supports this idea. Here's the original thread:
>>1189 Post about it politely on /a/'s writing thread, some really good writefags there I will sit this one out personally tbqdesu
Wow 4channers are at it again. I won't be surprised if it ends up being some political sjw whatever this time. It ain't 2007 anymore
That anon demoralized them , I guess it is destined to fail because 2hu is 2 mainstream for anybody autistic to care enough to bear the responsibility







