>how many VNs have you read?
76 according to my VNDB
>what is the best VN you've read?
Muv Luv Alternative/Muv Luv trilogy. Someone said this up thread though, so to be special, and my favourite changes with the wind between these two anyway - Mahoyo
>what is the worst?
I tend not to play or watch bad things, so luckily most VNs I've read are good. But Root Letter and Narcissu suck. No idea why the latter is popular
And to blab about Mahoyo, my goodness is it a beautiful game. I mean in terms of visuals, yes, but it's writing (I didn't read it in Japanese, but God bless the translator) and themes felt like a dream to read. It made me laugh, smile and cry, it felt like it was made for me. I remember watching Doremi as a child and wishing I could grow up to be a witch kek, Mahoyo was like Doremi for adult-me. Also I want to marry Soujuurou, plz give him a figure when the movie comes out, and a body pillow too Kami-sama!!!
And and, does anyone else wish more VNs had visual styles like Muv Luv where the characters fully interact with the environment? Like, if a character is in a doorway, their sprite would be in the doorway, not plastered on the screen. I've never seen anyone talk about this specifically, but I wish more VNs did it