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01/20/25 A total rewrite for the site is in progress. Read more.
05/21/24 Happy birthday hikari3! (News post)
12/21/23 Recent news post: Check here. Also, new board added: /i/ - Oekaki.
11/25/23 Accepting banner submissions; check this thread for more details.
11/17/23 New blotter! Use this to keep an eye for small updates.
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HIKARI3 GAME NIGHT GENERAL Anonymous 09/02/2024 (Mon) 01:26:52 No. 786 [Reply] [Last]
Hey Hikari! Let's play a game! This is the thread to organize a monthly Hikari3 game night on the last weekend of every month. Feel free to offer up any games for the next game night, and share any memories you've made! Everyone is welcome, and everyone can offer up a game. Only rule is to be comfy. Idea comes from >>782 I hope we can all get along and make something special! Sponsored by the Hikari3 Steam group: join today!
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>>965 I can play TF2, haven't played it in over a year though. Almost touched 1k hours of playtime, used to be a medic main.
>>966 >>967 we played TF2 last time, but generally we decide what game to play via strawpoll. i haven't made the one for February yet though. if TF2 wins the poll then we'll play TF2.
happy February hikarins! during the month of February, the West will gain as much as 70+ minutes extra sunlight during the day depending on your location. look forward to more sunlight! here is the poll for this month. i changed up the poll a bit: i have added an "other" option, please use this if you have a game to suggest, or simply are not a fan of the options given. i also changed the rules so only your TOP 3 votes will be given points to get a better sense of what people are actually voting for. this month it seems we are aiming for Saturday, February 22nd at 3pm EST. if this time does not work for you, feel free to mention it and we may be able to accommodate. looking forward to seeing you all!
seeing as we've had so many new people pop up, reminder to vote on the poll above and join us for our game night.
Frieren is quick to recruit new blood into his harem

HIKARI MINECRAFT SERVER Anonymous 12/22/2024 (Sun) 01:15:14 No. 921 [Reply]
Since it seems that we will not have a game night this month, I thought it would be cool to bring the Minecraft server back (I'm not the same owner as before), I don't know for how long I'll keep it online, but hope you enjoy for the time being. IP: Version 1.21.3
By the way, added a Christmas resource pack to the server, when you join for the first time It will ask if you want to download it, you can just decline if you don't want.
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Poorly made Christmas tree Hope everybody have a merry Christmas
I like your Christmas tree hikarin, Merry Christmas! Did you restore the map from the previous server?
>>927 Yes, I kept everything as it was before, even the server settings.

ULTRAKILL Anonymous 02/08/2025 (Sat) 20:14:30 No. 979 [Reply]
Are any hikarins ultrakill gamers?
I am not but is that a character from that game? I saved a bunch of fanart of her accidentally because I mistook her for other bunnies.
>>980 I think its a drawing of v1 as a bunnt (v1 is an ultrakill character)

Anonymous 01/30/2025 (Thu) 22:02:44 No. 969 [Reply]
been playing a lot of Oblivion recently. managed to get out of the map during the quest where you enter the guy's magic painting. i love the jank of old Bethesda games.
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okay well, maybe it's not all that big
i did it guys, i found oblivion.
Will you die now?
>>973 when one is taken by oblivion, it is not death, for death implies existence. death is a state of being. i will not be dead, rather it will be like i never existed at all. do not cry for me, sweet hikarin, for there will be nothing to cry over.
>>974 I will bear remembrance so one day your soul may be reborn again

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Upcoming games thread! Anonymous 09/22/2023 (Fri) 20:00:30 Id:037e5e No. 357 [Reply]
a thread where you talk about games that aren't out yet. really, i just didn't want to make separate threads for every new game that i saw that i wanted to share. there's this dungeon-crawling jrpg that was shown off at Tokyo Game Show that looks cute. it's called Witch and Lillies. it looks like Etrian Odyssey, but your party members can date each other.
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>>667 >>669 >i hope we get lots of trailers seems like i'm getting my wish, there's just a deluge of information coming out...
>>670 >koe Holy shit, hasn't this been in development for almost a decade now? I thought it was long dead. In the meantime the game was being made I already reached a somewhat satisfactory level of Japanese, so I don't know if it will be of any use for me now Hopefully it turns out to be good and help whoever is just starting to learn
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>>357 Welp here are my most anticipated games im looking forward to(Id also add nightrunners to this picture but steam only has page for the prologue) there are more unreleased games in my wishlist but these 4 are main ones
>>924 oh yeah I also forgot to mentioned that im interested in DoA Prism(the dating sim) but its not in my wishlist since im european and game is for asian region only

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Visual Novel Anonymous 05/27/2024 (Mon) 21:58:26 No. 718 [Reply]
let's have visual novel thread. >how many VN have you read? >what is the best VN you've read? >what is the worst? I've only read a bit of thee house in fata morgana haha
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i honestly haven't played many VNs. where on the seven seas can i find them with translations?
>>752 These days? Steam. There are a few games that have fan patches, like Steins;Gate or Higurashi. I'd start with Steins;Gate and install the above patch or with Raging Loop (no patch needed).
>how many VNs have you read? 76 according to my VNDB >what is the best VN you've read? Muv Luv Alternative/Muv Luv trilogy. Someone said this up thread though, so to be special, and my favourite changes with the wind between these two anyway - Mahoyo >what is the worst? I tend not to play or watch bad things, so luckily most VNs I've read are good. But Root Letter and Narcissu suck. No idea why the latter is popular And to blab about Mahoyo, my goodness is it a beautiful game. I mean in terms of visuals, yes, but it's writing (I didn't read it in Japanese, but God bless the translator) and themes felt like a dream to read. It made me laugh, smile and cry, it felt like it was made for me. I remember watching Doremi as a child and wishing I could grow up to be a witch kek, Mahoyo was like Doremi for adult-me. Also I want to marry Soujuurou, plz give him a figure when the movie comes out, and a body pillow too Kami-sama!!! And and, does anyone else wish more VNs had visual styles like Muv Luv where the characters fully interact with the environment? Like, if a character is in a doorway, their sprite would be in the doorway, not plastered on the screen. I've never seen anyone talk about this specifically, but I wish more VNs did it
>>725 I raw dog it and read untranslated novels without knowing or ever planning on knowing Japanese. I'm used to this kind of thing, when my family fled to the US I didn't know a single word in English so I just watched cartoons without understanding the words.
>>742 Emi best ass
Edited last time by admin on 01/22/2025 (Wed) 07:29:55.

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Anonymous 01/11/2025 (Sat) 17:08:14 No. 939 [Reply]
What are some old mario-like games that have linear (but challenging) gameplay? I need something to pass the time when I am too out of it to be productive that won't frustrate me
contra there was such sega game, can be played on an emulator let me check for a link great game, but playing it without joysticks sucks
megaman, specially megaman 3
>>940 Beating the giant thing in level 1 with the direction buttons is like impossible lol
>>942 Back when I played it on Sega my joysticks were old as the world, they didn't have thumb sticks, so moving in directions was done with buttons as well, but it was still much more comfortable that keyboard. >impossible I know an avid Sega fan who beat the entire game on keyboard, though I didn't inquire how exactly.

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Wapchan Soku Tournament figamin!lacgU8SPPY 01/01/2025 (Wed) 17:15:48 No. 937 [Reply]
We are running a Touhou Hisoutensoku Tournament on January 18th if anyone is interested. Details at

Anonymous 07/10/2023 (Mon) 13:42:40 Id:03fea2 No. 153 [Reply]
What's a game you want that doesn't exist?
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>>153 An arcade music game like IIDX with a LED backlit 512 key isomorphic (hexagonal grid) key layout that overlays a reflection of your hands on the the keyboard over top a reflection of a 240Hz monitor using optics to create a situation where you can see where your hands are in relation to the oncoming notes.
>>401 I'd rather they make a Mania 2, I don't really like Superstars much
One more borderlands but made by people who made 1st 2nd and the pre sequel. Bl 3 was a disappointment. 3$ westoid comics wrapped up in the skin of what used to be one of the best games ever.
>>153 remake of Michael Jackson's Moonwalker (the genesis plataformer) with rythm/dungeon crawler gameplay (crypt of the necrodancer style)
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>>153 probably this would be an action game set in taimanin univers. gameplay wise something like ninja gaiden, MGRR, nier automata or bayonetta, Now taimanin IP is a series of japanese porn VNs(and few gachashits) but it has pretty cool lore with demons and ninjas and shit.

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Anonymous 05/21/2023 (Sun) 16:35:00 Id:9d10a8 No. 18 [Reply]
What are your thoughts on cloud gaming? I just tried out Luna recently because I saw an ad for it on my TV and it's nice. I don't have the hardware to play intensive games. The only issue is there is slight lag when there is a hiccup in internet connection. This is sort of rare because I have good internet. I've been mostly playing Battle For The Bikini Bottom - Rehydrated
Pretty good, I have an old shitty laptop that's over a decade old so stuff like this is pretty nice
>>18 Never tried it, but it seems cool. I'll try it out eventually though
>>18 Personally as someone who cares about ownership(uses steam ironic) I couldnt justify using such services along with subscription services like gamepass. it doesnt align with my morals. Id rather invest money into hardware and software than use such services for gaming







