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"Love palace~"

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>>/jp/1245 >>883 At first I didn't, because I'm a total tourist. But then I played Chaos;Head last year, and now I do. (Still a tourist bt
>>/en/7187 >>7169 mmh If I did not have rice from yesterday that I'm going to fry today, I would roast some potatoes.
>>/en/7186 Anglos are only better than yankees and that by a very thin margin:angry:
>>/en/7185 >>7184 fair enough enjoy your bri-ish lookin food
>>/en/7184 >>7176 yea. >>7183 ok. it's still cheap ceramic.
>>/en/7183 >>7171 it looks like plastic plate
>>/en/7182 You can hardly judge somebody for being[rainbow]gay[/rainbow] when [moe]you are quite[/moe] [rainbow]gay[/rainbow] yourself.:ann
>>/en/7181 yes. :annoyed:
>>/en/7180 [rainbow]is she Gay? [/rainbow] :skeptical:
>>/t/1054 Somehow.:cry:
>>/t/1053 You know those programs with in-terminal GUIS (e.g alsamixer), how does that work?
>>/en/7179 >>7177 This video was posted here before you watched the video. I think you're the one gangstalking :annoyed:
>>/en/7178 hidoi...:cry:
>>/en/7177 Stop gangstalking me glowroody-poo I watched that video a few minutes ago
>>/en/7176 >>7169 Is it roasted?

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