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Study Thread Anonymous 06/30/2023 (Fri) 22:08:16 No. 3 [Reply]
Post resources for studying any given subject here! Textbooks, online courses, etc
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What's the best book/resource to study United States history?
>>4 >AP Calc Paul's Online Math Notes
>>172 Dummit and Foote's book on Abstract Algebra is much MUCH better. It's much friendlier to beginners and undergrads than serge lang but still gives fully fleshed explanations with detail. The exercises are really good too (the non-proof ones were somewhat fun to do as well). https://library.lol/main/04C9A91190312BDA1928685064338589
>>6 >>>6 explains it >+ this guy is better at explaining than most teachers i've had Think that could be applied to public schools in general. I didnt honestly learn much in High school but Khan Academy helped out with math for everyday life. Thanks for the link.
>>173 Depends on what part of US history you're looking to study. Our Nation's Archive: The History of the United States in Documents is a pretty good one if you're looking for something deeper than just a high school textbook. https://www.amazon.com/Our-Nations-Archive-History-Documents/dp/1579120679

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Anonymous 10/31/2023 (Tue) 01:50:57 No. 268 [Reply]
imagine if money, intelligence, focus, health, time, and other circumstances weren't a problem. what would you dedicate your life to studying? why does it fascinate you? as for me, i've always wanted to study brains. pick apart this dense mass of flesh that somehow encodes the human soul. i want to be a part of the science that's trying to map brains to computers, interpreting synapses with machine learning and using algorithms to model neural circuits. look closely at how information is processed by the brain, and maybe even try to analyze those heuristics to understand myself a bit better. my excuse is that i'm too dumb and not good enough at chemistry. i just can't commit. who knows, maybe i'll regret this fear of mine forever. i wanted to hear about your unsung passions, too
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>>270 Yup, probably I would do the same. Honestly, a lot of people see it as wrong and a bad way of living, but if you already have money, a own house, and comfort... There is nothing wrong on it. Of course I wouldn't be a hikikomori. I would do exercises and go to a café or something. I'm already very used to being alone, but sometimes I imagine having a GF. The problem is that NEET girls are pure psyops
I would study applied metaphysics aka magic been reading the traditionalist school guenon, schuon, coomaraswamy, evola and evola's books on magic seem pretty cool, buddhist magic also seems pretty cool
>>302 Buddhist magic?
>>302 >I would study applied metaphysics aka magic You know it takes alot of beleif and faith for atheism when all new atheists do even on imageboard boards is regurgitate what their group or favorite atheist says.
>>268 >what would you dedicate your life to studying? why does it fascinate you? Difficult question for me. I believe I'd like to just study anything like philosophy, mathematics, religion and new atheism (even if it's shallow minded anyways) ect. It would just be fun to play video games I suppose and programming if money wasn't a problem or really any academic field.

HALT Anonymous 07/01/2023 (Sat) 19:43:20 No. 22 [Reply]
What have *you* learned today?
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apparently it may be that things that aren't black holes could give off hawking radiation
>>22 Never knew this before: A group of flamingos is called "flamboyance"
>>107 beautiful name, flamboyance :surprise:
Plate tectonics wasn't an accepted idea until the 60s-70s because people were dumber then
>>22 imageboard boards culture's. It's a wonderful learning experience filled with good effort.

Please don't kill this board Anonymous 01/24/2024 (Wed) 12:47:19 No. 311 [Reply]
/aca/ has the potential to be something good and original, don't remove it please, if you really have to you could just hide it the same way lainchan hid the /lain/ board (like you've done now), and who's in the known will go there and partecipate. If in the future there's enough action with the site in general you could bring the board's visibility back, consider it.
yeah, i pretty much changed my mind about deleting it. i'll keep it (but delisted for now)
>>312 Nice, hopefully the spam ends and we get more users.

Anonymous 12/27/2023 (Wed) 01:26:44 No. 306 [Reply]
rip /aca/
Syrno wants to keep the userbase ignorant.
>>307 we're 2 kool 4 school!
>>306 wait why it was removed?
>>309 Read the latest news post

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Anonymous 07/15/2023 (Sat) 16:15:35 No. 114 [Reply]
Do you know any second languages or are learning any?
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>>297 >The good thing about being a native portuguese speaker is that I can understand spanish without much hassle Yes, same, and some other latin languages, like French and Italian
>>298 Are you portuguese brazillian or portuguese portuguese? lol I try understanding Portuguese from Portugal, but it sounds more like another language the accent is difficult haha
>>299 Portuguese from Portugal Everyone says our accent is hard to understand or that it sounds like Russian, but I understand Brazilian just fine I'm probably way more exposed to it than you are to Portuguese from Portugal tho
learning Japanese vocabulary is the worst part of learning any language.
>>301 Specially when the vocabulary has nothing to do with your mother language

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Anonymous 08/24/2023 (Thu) 13:29:32 No. 207 [Reply]
I'm thinking about going back to learning Japanese, but I'm not sure whether I should or not. Already studied Japanese for like 3 years on and off until stuff happened in real life and I had to stop. However, the situation changed and I might be able to get back into it. Back then I read a few easy manga and a VN, although with the assistance of tools to look up vocabulary. While that might sound good, I still felt like I was years away from reading without tools or being anywhere close to fluency. Why did I want to learn? I did a trip to Japan in 2015 and I fucking loved it, I wanted to learn Japanese for my next trip and maybe even work there. Of course there were also a few untranslated games and manga etc. I wanted to consume. Nowadays I'm not really dreaming of living in Japan anymore and most of the games I wanted to learn Japanese for actually got a translation, and yet I still want to learn the language for the sake of it. I mean, being able to read these moonrunes is satisfying in its own way, but I might not really benefit THAT much from knowing it. What do you think? Should I study Japanese again, despite like I said I might not benefit that much from knowing it, considering it takes a lot of time and energy to do so? I tried to forget it, but ever since I quit, every time I see Japanese writing I feel bad for quitting.
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>>209 Not OP, but I just recently resumed learning japanese again
>>259 Good luck! How's it going for you so far? I would like to know your methods of learning
My only advice is you either commit fully or don't. The main problem with starting and stopping a commitment like learning a language is until you reach a certain point it's not equivalent to riding a bike, and the time it gets to riding a bike is when you are at 5 years in. When you stop and start again you lose skill and will take a while to get back in the eb and flow of learning; this is the exact reason people can take a Secondary Language Class for a year or 2 yet a few years later only remember snippets. I do wish you luck if you try to
>>265 For now, just learning more kanji and vocabulary words and reviewing the ones I know Currently, I don't have much time for applying myself studying, but I want to start organizing my notes and study by the book My goal is to achieve JLPT N3 next year
solution make sentence cards: https://arbyste.github.io/jp-mining-note-prerelease/ Most frequently used N words % of written Japanese 1,000 75% 2,000 80% 3,000 85% 6,000 90% 10,000 93% 15,000 95% 32,000 98% 50,000 99% also keep in mind you will need to know grammar and typical ways of expressing things. imabi and cure dolly are good resources for grammar

Anonymous 11/25/2023 (Sat) 20:46:56 No. 281 [Reply]
What's your major /aca/? I'm in my last year of a Master's in Computer Science
>>281 masters in mathematics last year
Bachelor's in Computer Science, second year still waiting for things to make sense..
>>283 OP here, they will never make much of a sense, but they will make less no sense
>>282 Mathematics is very interesting. I enjoy delving into new mathematical concepts and challenges from time to time Even these days, I was talking about Project Euler with a professor of mine. It got me into trying to solve a problem he was stuck with and I ended up learning some new stuff I miss actively learning about math. If I had the time, I'd like to do some big project involving it
archaeology and anthropology but outside of that I got an ottoman style medrese education too

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Recreational Math Anonymous 07/19/2023 (Wed) 17:36:55 No. 126 [Reply]
What specifically do you do? Do you know any good places to get into it?
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>>164 ok but I want a real answer not a meme one even if it's kind of true
>>167 ok thank you
>>126 one letter mutation away from recreational meth

Anonymous Global volunteer 07/01/2023 (Sat) 08:28:32 No. 14 [Reply]
Specialized tags are can be used for math related topics!
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>>150 apparently not lol You probably have to ask the admin how latex integration works here.
>>152 It works, you just have to put everything on the same line
>>152 What's this?
>>185 prior basilian knowledge







