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Desktop thread Anonymous 07/24/2023 (Mon) 12:34:30 No. 79
How does your desktop look like /t/? How ricy is it?
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【ーロー】 its not done but who cares it works
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>>346 hello fellow xp bro
>>374 do u guys run this physically or use a VM? Or some custom linux distro to mimick winxp
>>374 I want your wallpaper
mine isn't very riced. this is my work/school laptop that runs mint. really the only thing i changed besides some preinstalled theme settings was change the start button to the Yorha logo. regardless it's comfy and just werks.
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>>374 Hello! I'm the one with XP-Tan and touhou games! >>375 I have several computers including thinkpads. I did not bother VMs. >>376 Here! It's a tile wallpaper!
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>>375 This is just regular XP running on an older laptop. VMs aren't very fun at all. >>376 >>379 Need to get around to installing more touhous on mine.
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Did this thread die? Aw man... Here's my very humble machine. Please don't judge it too harshly. ( つ Д `)
>>391 That's a decent amount of rice you got there. I feel like Lain fans would appreciate it more than anybody else. :)
i've been meaning to post my desktop here, but i feel like it's boring in comparison to everyone else's lol
>>392 Ah thanks! I do like Lain myself. It's really interesting and I could talk about it for hours. I'm not knowledgable on the whole "ricing" thing... I just like when my desktop looks pretty. >>393 I struggled to gain the confidence to post mine, because it's not as nice as others and I thought I'd be judged. You should post yours. What do you have to lose? :D
>>394 Did you write any articles or something like that on Lain, then? There is an on-going zine project called Lainzine and I suppose they are open for any submisssions.
>>396 No, I want to, but I'm afraid it'll sound stupid and won't be good enough. :(
>>397 It's not very realistic that a whole 2 hour talk would be full of stupidity. :) Don't go that harsh on yourself, at least not before trying.
>>391 You missed the name in the panel title. Lovely setup, though, I am a sucker for retro grays.
>>400 ...Oh my God. That's embarrassing. I'm so stupid. :(
>>395 comfy.
>>391 A fellow palemoon user, neat. great theme
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My rice, just right. I specially like the lemonbar. Planning on porting it to wayland, screw all the others. LOL
>>404 why does your font almost look like comic sans at the top
>>332 also i like ur wallpaper
>>416 Same poster from W10 Sanae. Thank you!!
>>79 OP here. I'm currently trying out Hyprland. I'll share the results after I finish configuring it
>>435 What is a good way to get started with NixOS and what are some good tips for it? The declarative nature of NixOS seems so attractive to me.
Your fortune: (YOU ARE BANNED)
>>436 I'd say just try it out yourself! Install it in a VM, dual-boot, or even go full bare-metal Try to familiarize yourself with the concepts of how NixOS works (what derivations are, the /nix/store, the Nix language, etc.) by watching tutorials or reading guides. The information is quite scattered and sometimes incomplete, so I think it's really the best for you to learn by trial and error. You can start by trying to replicate your current configuration in NixOS or install Nix as a separate package manager on your PC before trying the operative system
Here is my gentoo desktop
>>436 As another NixOS user, i think the biggest tip is to really learn how Nix works as >>439 said. Because the OS is declarative, system configuration is handled much differently than the other Linux distributions I've used. Setting up development environments has also been a bit of a hassle sometimes. Honestly, I might switch off it sometime because the declarative nature has caused me more issues than benefits.
Not insanely fancy but I like it
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>>461 What's your motivation for using Windows 11?
>>462 Family bought me a new laptop came pre-installed with windows 11 I don't prefer it by any means, but a gift is a gift
>>464 Why don't you just install something else?
>>464 I am pretty sure that the person who gifted you that computer did not explicitly mean for you to use windows, they probably do not even know that alternatives exist. Uninstallling windows will boost your computer's lifespan, impede partyvans from spying on you and is also a much more secure environment since almost nobody makes malware for linux.
>mind went instantly to linux I meant to say that any other maintained os would be a much more secure environment and give you all of those benefits, although a linux-based os would be best as you could play games on steam.
>>465 late reply I know. Not to derail this thread of course but the reason is just lack of experience with Linux or other OS alternatives (which yes can only ironically enough be solved with just jumping into it and trying out Linux :v). >>470 >" Uninstallling windows will boost your computer's lifespan" Interesting and in my case honestly the most convincing argument outside of computer freedom. I'll atleast install Mint on a flashdrive to try it out then anon
>>473 >Not to derail this thread of course but the reason is just lack of experience with Linux or other OS alternatives Doesn't have to be Linux, could be just Windows 10 or 7,
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>>126 I really like that desktop background, do you have the original image? >>490 i like that sakura winamp skin!
why not
>>134 Any mobile phone is bad for privacy, they all track everywhere you go and everything you say. This isn't some kind of conspiracy nonsense either, do your research you'll find this out to be the truth.
>>502 i wonder if it's even necessary to own one. i don't have one but i don't get out much so i don't know if the whole world is basically being forced to use them
>>503 Smartphones and credit/debit cards are part of the west's social credit system. Without them there are some stores and services you won't have access to, but your life will be better without them.
>>414 That's coz it is comic sans. Looks really neat on a topbar
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Me proud of it
>>504 What fucking shops stop you from using them without having a fucking mobile phone? I've never seen that. Although I do see your point about debit/credit cards but even then most shops still allow you to pay by cash, but what are you on about it being a social credit system, do you have schizophrenia?
>>504 what a huge drama. Go live in desert i dunno or somewhere where only donkeys shit around what makes u struggle so much with civilization also post your desktop
>>518 really? I still haven't seen any (offline) shops that don't support cash payment. In fact, I've seen shops actively discouraging using credit/debit cards to pay, at least around my area.
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