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Anonymous 01/15/2024 (Mon) 12:41:09 No. 4004 [Reply]
The feel of that place you used to feel it was home, no longer being home.
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>>4041 Why you make fun anon senpai
>>4046 because it sounded lame. don't accept being all by yourself, that'll just drive you insane. get a fuck buddy at the very least. jesus.
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>>4047 >you're dissatisfied with life and the people around you? you have trouble relating to the few friends you do have? you find solace and comfort in being by yourself? lol. LOL. what a virgin incel. just have sex bro, that'll solve any possible issue you might have with other people the one instance where calling someone "normalfriend" would be pretty apt. some people prefer to be alone. "just have sex bro" is really a really stupid thing to suggest, it doesn't solve any issue one might have when it comes to talking/interacting/relating with other people and would probably lead to worse consequences than just being alone.
>>4049 I honestly have no idea what that bucket crab is getting at. I'm not a virgin. I have perfectly good personal relationships with family and coworkers. The disconnect is where I go in between all that. Where's my stomping ground? Just feels like I'm always wandering around and visiting someone else's.
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Anonymous 01/19/2024 (Fri) 21:02:06 No. 4053 [Reply]
Do you like tea /en/? I drink it almost every day, especially on cold season I like to try different kinds and flavors, but one that I really enjoy is Earl Grey. It has the strong taste of black tea, without being bitter and having a sweet aroma
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>>4053 i like tea. once, a few years ago, i brewed a cup of black tea with cinnamon and milk and it tasted really good and got me into the halloween spirit, since it was october and all. i tried to brew it again this past october but couldn't get it right for the life of me and got super watery milk tea instead i should drink it more, but i don't get the chance to go shopping that often, so the only kind of tea in the pantry at the moment is normal green tea

Anonymous 01/13/2024 (Sat) 20:49:22 No. 3971 [Reply]
Don't leave me alone!
I promise I will never leave you alone!
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>>3995 You should be arrested

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Anonymous 01/13/2024 (Sat) 20:55:16 No. 3972 [Reply]
I'm bored, frens. post amazing songs in other languages https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LIpjriesnhI&pp=ygUNU2NoaWNrIHNjaG9jaw%3D%3D
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>>3972 Literally sang in a made-up alien language https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hT9jgtHjprk Strangely enough, there's also a cover from a Japanese idol group https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SnmVcoolqM-Q
>>4020 Oops, the second link was borked https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n78UiudzUuU
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there's a russian band named dvar that's mostly run by two dudes who are apparently prophets ofriendiant bee that plays music in their dreams. all of their songs are in a constructed language that I'm pretty sure they don't even understand and they've gone all over the place with their genres and overall style. they started off with gothic darkwave and techno black metal, then pop, then neoclassical, and now mostly dungeon synth https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DGRJn6rOE74 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Olf_CwMaDFk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aFt6Q4fxFqY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jPjp7YDGY-0 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=82s7jgMn2e4 the bee girl that showed up during zii and fayah is cute
>>4023 prophets of a bee* I think I had a stroke trying to describe this band

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Anonymous 01/15/2024 (Mon) 11:27:07 No. 4001 [Reply]
The 4k GET is mine
Your fortune: Good Luck
what happened to >>4000 ? was it pizza?
the fortune was a lie
Your fortune: Good Luck
Haha. You look like an idiot
funny how this board has over 4,000 posts, yet the others haven't even passed 1,000

Anonymous 01/14/2024 (Sun) 19:12:35 No. 3991 [Reply]
Are you guys cute anime girls irl?
>>3991 Maybe.

Anonymous 01/11/2024 (Thu) 13:14:16 No. 3927 [Reply]
Leave me alone!
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>>3964 Yeah I feel you. I also feel lonely all the time despite wanting other people to leave me alone. It sucks
>>3953 thread not derailed you're just gay
>>3978 Whats wrong with kissing boys?
>>3928 I've been feeling lonely recently Never leave me alone fri/en/ds
>>3965 that's what makes sites like these so great. I got sick of being online a long time ago. I deleted my skype and facebook in 2016, and 2017. I don't give people my number often. I use a separate line for work. most friends have to get ahold of me through email. but of course I still crave conversations. only a handful of threads are fun on 4chan anymore. I basically didn't use it anymore 2015-2022. yknow, the frogs an stuff. even now it's in a pretty shit state but it's a little better again. people IRL make me so uncomfortable. I'm an awkward person, high-functioning autistic. I'll get a compliment at work and I'll fuck it up by not knowing how to respond. my smile and thank you seem so fake and people reassure me they're giving me a compliment. or a manager yells at me for how I look haha. crazy. guess I just hate being me. >>3984 post as much as you want and can and someone will reply to you at some point, I'm sure :) bump some threads or make your own and wait a bit.

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Anonymous 01/13/2024 (Sat) 16:00:13 No. 3966 [Reply]
Have you traveled to foreign places before?
i've never left my home country, no. but technically, texas and georgia are both kind of foreign compared to my home state... i do really want to go to japan one day...
>>3966 15 countries and counting My goal is to get to 30 by 2030

Anonymous 12/31/2023 (Sun) 15:26:21 No. 3828 [Reply]
What are you excited for this upcoming year?
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>>3921 There's a difference between die hard autists who love everything anime JP related (which is what these kinds of forums are usually meant to cater to) aka:schizos/otaku and just roleplaying an aesthetic <<animecore>> and spamming the same azumanga, lain and eva memes over and over. those kinds of people really are annoying. So I agree with the sentiment. It resonates well. Like who gives a shite about haruhi and lucky star but doesn't even care about baka and test. It's like half the people that spam those tags actually don't even watch anime. or not to mention, when they're selling figures and don't even know what they're selling.
I'm gonna let it slide this time, since I think a debate on this topic is worth keeping, but please don't derail an innocent thread next time also, i'd rather not have words such as "schizo" or "cuck" be frequent on here, and please keep rule 11 in mind (I'm sorry if I sound overbearing)
>>3913 >>3914 >>3915 autism is a superpower
>>3923 bring back aca back motherfucker
i was hoping all of those replies would just get deleted. it ruined my day. >>3923 >I'm sorry if I sound overbearing don't worry about it! if anything i think you're not being strict enough

Anonymous 12/25/2023 (Mon) 12:00:27 No. 3760 [Reply]
Will you be participating in osoji? My apartment is very untidy, and I think having a cleaner space at the start of the next year will help me feel better about the new year.
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>>3882 >>3890 i used to not understand piss bottles at all until fairly recently. now i think i understand, having to get up and use the toilet at like 2 in the morning is inconvenient, but i still don't get how anyone can let that stuff just sit around lol
>>3882 big if true if you live like this for 17 years how is it possible?
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>>3891 >>3892 in my case I had been a NEET for about 9 years up until a certain point and as a NEET you tend to have a lot of shame etc for your family taking care of you, living rent free and all that. life as such is rarely convenient or comfy as we'd wish. so that meant not going to the bathroom unless it was late at night and so on. that was the point in time I learned that habit. I still do it even though I have no reason to. it's stuck, sorta hate it but it's not the worst habit to have being a degen
>>3904 whats the worst habit you had/have
>>3905 procrastination. game for all of my time even if there is nothing to do in a game. I'll just not even look at my game, I'll fake live in it and play on my computer. waste so much time that I could be drawing or studying. this type of procrastination that I probably picked up as a NEET has stuck with me and I hate myself for it. because I do literally nothing for entire nights into the morning and day, get only like 2 hours of sleep before my shift at work. get home, not sleep but instead get back to gaming. buy a new game and not play it. anyways if you meant degen wise, probably jerking off every single hour. I literally burnt my dick indian style that way and continued masturbating anyway. that fucked me up real bad. that was a short lived addiction. I hope to discuss moepointo in a future thread with fellow anon.







