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Anonymous 03/14/2024 (Thu) 00:32:47 No. 4555
What helps you stay focused? PENIS play always keeps me productive
(24.50 KB 370x320 gretel.png)

usually having a goal or something to look forward to. i've been working on making a video recently, so chipping away at that at a consistent pace while looking forward to things in the future like new games and anime and hopefully getting a gf has brought me into a good rhythm
Drinking a lot of soda heightens my focus a lot
I can't stay focused at all unless I have someone pressuring me. I just can't help but waste away my days, even though I follow a regular schedule which leaves me a lot of free time. Somehow every day I squander all of that free time, and end up not doing important things to move me forwards.
>>4567 For work, I usually procrastinate because I don't get work done unless there's more pressure to get it done
>>4555 Not eating keeps me on edge.
>>4577 I'd be too focused on the fact i'm hungry that I couldn't stay focused on the thing i need to focus on
lol! PENIS!
Working/being productive has always made me feel miserable, but being lazy 24/7 with anime or vidya feels good so I just ignore all the angry normalfriends telling me that being a NEET is bad.
>>4600 god, i envy you... i'm currently hikineet, but my family continuously makes me feel like shit for it, my mom even threatened to beat me and throw me out once...
>>4601 they tried that on me for 5-10 years after I dropped out of school then realized it's never going to work (like me lol) and gave up.
>>4600 And that's the fundamental contradiction. You're told growing up that work is this adventurous, fun activity and that being part of the larger social machine is "empowering" and yet you'd be hard pressed to find a working person that actually enjoys doing that shit unless you're talking to creative types who have the luxury of making money doing what they find fun and are able to do it without a high amount of pressure. Most people complain constantly about how they have no time for themselves or that they're so overworked that they can't even find a way to attend to their basic health needs.
>>4612 same as convincing a girl that your semen will give her magical powers if she drinks enough of it every day

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