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Anonymous 04/08/2024 (Mon) 10:12:08 No. 4692
School is so boring. I just had a 2 week break, and I spent most of it watching anime and browsing imageboards without leaving my house once. But now I have to spend several hours doing nothing every day. Fortunately it's my last year of school, though my parents probably wouldn't like it if I was a neet so I will have to wage-slave (but unlike school at least I get paid for it). (Yes, I am 18, and no, this is not a serious thread complaining about my life)
OP is a friend who posted this shit thread on heyuri too https://img.heyuri.net/b/koko.php?res=99203
>>4693 This board is slow, so it makes sense to also post on another place when engagement is desired.
>>4694 But this thread is awful and now it's shitting up multiple boards. Why can't hikari get reposts of good threads like that guy eating his sister's poop?
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>>4692 go commit die :3
>>4695 no one is shitting up anything, just relax
>>4697 I am very relaxed
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>>4695 >But this thread is awful >good threads like that guy eating his sister's poop You're a demented american with a completely distorted sense of quality who prefers disgusting garbage to laid-back conversations. >now it's shitting up multiple boards Posting the same thing on an obscure board and on a slightly less obscure one is not "shitting up multiple boards". >Why can't hikari get reposts If you weren't a scat-for-brains retard you'd look at the TIME each thread was posted on and see that this was first posted here, and later on h*yuri.
please make sure to take it easy
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>>4702 Uwah, sorry admin-sama
>>4701 eating a girl's poop is not disgusting if you love her, you just have shit taste (metaphorically)
>>4704 Shit smells and tastes extremely bad and consuming it has dangerous consequences, so you have to be in a crazed mental state to consume it, so it's not real love but just an unhealthy obsession. Pee is more OK, though. It doesn't smell/taste nearly as bad and it's not as bad for health.
>>4710 Girl poop is like the forbidden fruit in the garden opartyvanen, god made it smell and taste so bad to try to stop me from eating it but the indescribable pleasure I get from eating it easily overrides those primitive senses of smell and taste. I don't care if I die from it, life without girl poop isn't worth living.
>>4712 garden of 3den lol
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>>4712 I know something that doesn't smell or taste bad at all and that would be very good for you to eat.
>>4719 I will take my antibiotic meds to cure the poop diseases so I can continue using my wife's anus as a hot chocolate fudge dispenser
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Wow! Great thread, OP. You should consider making a blog, away from here.

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