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Pizza thread Anonymous 04/17/2024 (Wed) 05:27:12 No. 4774
What kind of pizza do you like?
>>4774 curry pizza
cheese or pepperoni if you know what I mean
Hawaii 🍍🍕
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>>4777 Pineapple does not belong on pizza
>>4781 exact place for a pineapple is pizza
just cheese
>>4794 no point to spend money on such a pizza
>>4794 its no pizza it's a phonypie!
>>4796 Probably not, but I still enjoy it.
>>4796 there's no reason to pay things like taxes but people still do it anyway
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>>4800 Because you're supposed to pay taxes...? What do you mean there's no reason?
I always like to stick with basic pepperoni but occasionally I'll ask for meat on my pizza
>>4801 >Because you're supposed to pay taxes...? says who!?
>>4803 The IRS
>>4801 yea u supposed to pay taxes. if u planning to keep yourself your magic swamp and don't let ogres threw u outta it u supposed to pay taxes. Nothing is "god given". Especially not rights. U gotta have system to maintain it. Rights are soft. U gotta have hard. >>4802 sausage on pizza is basically sandwich. Boring. I once tried tangerine pizza, that was adventure =)

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