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Anonymous 01/21/2025 (Tue) 12:54:59 No. 7112
>>7112 Didn't work, try again.
i roasted some potatoes in the oven. ask me anything.
>>7169 Is that a plastic plate?
>>7170 it's cheap ceramic.
>>7169 Is that blood? Are you a vampire?
>>7172 no comment
>>7169 Is it roasted?
>>7171 it looks like plastic plate
>>7176 yea. >>7183 ok. it's still cheap ceramic.
>>7184 fair enough enjoy your bri-ish lookin food
Anglos are only better than yankees and that by a very thin margin
>>7169 mmh If I did not have rice from yesterday that I'm going to fry today, I would roast some potatoes.
fried eggs
>>7187 funnily enough the day after i made these i also fried leftover rice. are you my alter?
fried alters
>>7185 is it bri-ish looking? they're just potatoes with salt and pepper. american btw.
fried bri-iains
>>7194 yea you desacrated the constitution
>>7195 yummy >>7196 wut
fried yummy
fried tractor

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