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Anonymous 01/04/2024 (Thu) 18:45:23 No. 3870 [Reply]
You like kissing boys, don't you?
5 posts and 1 image omitted.
>>3895 You don't like friendgots?
>Turns F-A-G-S into friends LOL WHAT!?
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>>3901 you have to be kind! here! friends are friends!
>>3902 All friendS got to hell!

how do you stop thinking about things that make you upset? Anonymous 12/28/2023 (Thu) 02:20:39 No. 3792 [Reply]
i got into an argument on 4/a/ earlier and i'm still upset about it... why do people who hate anime stick around and ruin discussion every chance they get...
>how do you stop thinking about things that make you upset? You stop thinking about it Really though, I just do something else that gets my mind off it.
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>>3792 Hide and Ignore. You're on the internet. They can not do anything to you and it's just some text, you're not forced to read it and reply back.
>>3792 generaly, the mood gets better after the night/sleeping. or after few days passed, the mood gets better. tell us if you feel better after experiencing this
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>>3794 true...though this does not change the fact that the anon had a godawful terrible opinion and then proceeded to ignore my counterargument by making fun of the image i used >>3894 that was like a week ago so i feel better now though i still think "huh i probably should've said this" or "i shouldn't have used this image" sometimes sometimes i think i should've just found the anon irl and bashed his skull in with a cast iron skillet but that's unrealistic

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Anonymous 01/03/2024 (Wed) 14:15:40 No. 3854 [Reply]
Did you have a nice break?
>>3854 when you're hikineet, every day is a break
>>3858 based hikineet living rent free on people's head

xmas gift Anonymous 12/25/2023 (Mon) 04:14:46 No. 3750 [Reply]
what gift did you recieve this christmas, friends?
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>>3846 lucky you, is she beautiful?
>>3847 Hell yeah...
>>3849 how did you befriended her?
>>3869 She was a friend of a friend mainly
>>3874 you're lucky enjoy your luckiness

Anonymous 12/31/2023 (Sun) 02:28:35 No. 3819 [Reply]
I hope you had a good day today
2 posts omitted.
>>3819 i've been kind of depressed recently but i feel fine at the moment
>>3819 I stayed up all night and have a test today and then the night shift at work... heh. screwed myself playing games all night. I'll do my best
>>3826 I wish you luck on staying up tonight
>>3827 it was shit but I did it. did anything interesting happen to anyone today? I just had extremely awkward interactions with customers because of the extremely dark circles around my eyes. lol
I slept the entire day

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Anonymous 12/23/2023 (Sat) 10:44:42 No. 3720 [Reply]
How would you rate your sleep schedule? Do you have any advice? How do I sleep for an acceptable amount of time while also resting well? I sleep for ~8 hours a day and I wake up completely drained and tired. I'm so sleepy all the time. I go to sleep at 9:30pm.
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>>3731 Aw, that's great you're getting better! Take care of yourself. I believe in you.
my sleeping schedule is horrific i feel like my body just doesn't want me to sleep and i end up being extremely exhausted most of the time
Usually, unless I have some kind of compromise, I'll sleep for 10+ hours and wake up around 11h30 I wanted to wake up sooner and enjoy the morning, but whenever I do, I always end up feeling dreadfully sleepy and tired
my sleep is the worst it's ever been. I work night shifts so I'm out passed midnight and then I don't go to sleep when I get home. I have to sleep at some point during the day before my next shift starts around late noon and lately I'm not sleeping then lol. I'm getting no sleep and it's making work more hellish. I just can't force myself to go to bed for some reason. gotta stay up and enjoy my life. but I don't do anything anyways other than youtube, anime etc. I know I could get some sleep and then enjoy life like 100x more. but just don't wanna and it makes me worse off.
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>>3720 -1/10 I'm doing an online intersession class for public speaking and I basically put 90% of everything off until the 16th. The final due date for all assignments is the 20th and I've only written two speeches out of five so far.

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Anonymous 01/01/2024 (Mon) 06:14:46 No. 3831 [Reply]
HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE!! Check your fortune for the next year
Your fortune: Bad Luck
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>>3840 We shall see...
>>3831 Last year was actually not so bad, I hope it carries on. Happy New Year, wish you all the best.
Your fortune: Good Luck
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>>3853 i wish you a happy new year to you as well. 2023 was super eventful for me in a good way, i hope 2024 doesn't disappoint
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>>3831 I hope the year is good for my personal development as a person
Your fortune: Very Bad Luck
>>3860 very sorry for your luck anon , I'll pray for you

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Anonymous 12/27/2023 (Wed) 00:46:36 No. 3777 [Reply]
What are some of your new years resolutions?
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>>3811 There's a girl I like, but after getting her contact, I'm not sure where to go from here
>>3813 DALL-E 3 is weird like that.
>>3814 Just try to talk to her every chance you get and try to get to know her better and see if she's good for you
>>3777 no more pissing on the seat or at least wiping it up after. family got really mad about it while aunt was over for christmas. >>3787 >finish my degree >get a job >read all the books I have on my nightstand what are you 9? is your degree your middle school diploma. yeah maybe get a job and read all the books on your nightstand before doing any of that other shit lol
not an absolute comprehensive list but > get some Osoji done (New Years cleaning done) > lift up to 160lbs also get back to working out. I almost really stopped once winter struck > Get a job atleast a side one to finally get some extra income >Get that machining Techinical Certificate >Get over a very bad porn addicition >Get a site running and maybe finish leftover projects >get good at art if I can >Study books on theology and philosophy something I've been meaning to do for a while and get if I'm lucky the 10 other items will get done

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Anonymous 12/25/2023 (Mon) 18:00:46 No. 3765 [Reply]
I once again got banned from 4chan for proxy/vpn uses (while I don't) I don't know what to do now. I just want to talk to people. help me guys!
>>3765 4chan kinda sucks why you wanna lurk on it
Did your IP changed recently? Apparently it's pretty common to sometimes get IPs banned on 4chan. It even happened to a friend of mine once when he changed ISP and the first IP they assigned to him was already banned there >>3772 Yeah, there's that too.
>>3765 if your ISP provides you a dynamic proxy then it will change every time you restart your router. And if you never restart it the IP will still change from time to time. One of those IPs i got was perma'd for cp and the jannies denied my appeal.

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Anonymous Henlo 12/28/2023 (Thu) 23:50:14 No. 3800 [Reply]
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>>3800 howdy, friend!
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>>3801 I must confess I'm not entirely sure what an hikari3 is but my old chan burned down and I needed a new home.
>>3806 old chan you say which one?
>>3806 Welcome home new-fri/en/d! Enjoy your stay
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>>3807 voidchan







